Game: Wrestle Angels
Platform: PC-9800 (PC-98)
A very plain main menu shows that this really was a first attempt, and while not particularly impressive by today's standards, its simple looks belie an addictive and fun little game.
Here's a brief rundown of the backstory:

The IWWF (International Women's Wrestling Federation) champion, veteran Panther Risako, has been challenged by a group of upstarts representing New Japan Women's Pro-Wrestling (SNJ, for "Shin Nihon Joushi" puroresu). The girls of SNJ issue their challenge based on rules set by "Beauty" Reiko Ichigaya, a fellow competitor who has major pull within the organization due to her status as a corporate heiress. Simply put, two teams of three wrestlers face off in best-two-of-three bouts, with the losing team having to shame themselves by exposing their naked (or near-naked, as is most often the case here) bodies to the cheering crowd.
Yes that's right, the whole thing is an elaborate setup to allow you, the player, to see some pixellated T&A.
I imagine most of you who read up to that last sentence have already labelled me a pervert and closed your browser tabs, but for those of you choosing to read on, know that I was not lying before when I spoke of a great game beneath the lowest-common-denominator stuff.
The options in the main menu are "Single Mode", which allows you to play a single match against the computer, utilizing all but one of the game's cast at their default stats, "Tag Mode" which lets you play a single match under tag team rules, "Profile Mode", which (after switching disks) allows you to view a brief blurb about each of the game's characters; "New Game" Which is where the meat of this package is, and "Load", which lets you pick up a previous story mode file at the start of the most recently-started match.
Since this post is getting kinda long, I'll break up my review of the game into several. Next up, the story mode menu and characters.
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